Future of Retail


Client Synchrony
Services Creative Installation, Displays, Technology Development, Onsite Activation

Synchrony, a leading provider of consumer financing solutions, approached Chroma with a unique challenge. They sought to develop an activation at the Annual CEO Summit for Furniture Retailers in Pebble Beach, CA, that showcased how emerging technologies, specifically generative AI, would revolutionize in-store shopping experiences.


During the discovery phase, Chroma delved into understanding Synchrony's objectives, target audience (furniture retailers), and the brand's vision for integrating generative AI into the retail environment. This process highlighted the client's desire for an uncanny concept that would demonstrate the future of customer influence through technology.


initial mock up of activation


final mockup of activation

Chroma worked closely with Synchrony's marketing team to iterate through concepts, eventually settling on a generative AI-driven experience. This process involved researching and providing valuable insights into the implications and limitations of emerging technologies.

We worked with a local company to integrate new technology into a physical activation developed by our team.

Despite a few challenges, the project was successfully executed, meeting expectations. The activation received a favorable response from attendees, with some expressing interest in adopting the technology showcased.

The client was pleased with the level of participation and engagement generated during the summit. Synchrony commended Chroma for simplifying the process and achieving the desired goal efficiently. They expressed satisfaction with the outcomes and indicated a willingness to collaborate again in the near future.


The collaboration between Chroma and Synchrony resulted in a successful activation highlighting the transformative potential of generative AI in retail. The project not only met its objectives, but also strengthened the client-agency relationship, paving the way for future collaborations in the evolving landscape of technology-driven retail experiences.

Shawndra Onwuchekwa