Questions to Ask When Hiring an Agency

You may be on the fence about working with an experiential agency. After all, creating a live activation to boost your brand can be an investment. You may have hesitations about entering this new partnership, so we will share a few key questions to ask a creative agency when considering them for your marketing activations. We love our work, and partnering with bold brands, so we will also take some time to share our answers to these questions. Keep reading to learn more.

Question: What should we know about your agency and your process?
You should be looking for the agency to answer about their capacity and capabilities.

Here's How We Answer this Question:
We are specialists handling any part of marketing that is tangible or in-person. We produce exciting and forward-focused events, experiences, and environments for our clients. We are both creators and producers, meaning we can dream up ideas and execute them. We develop new ideas, but we also improve existing ones. Most importantly, we execute our work with excellence.

Question: How do you measure the success of the project?
You need to know how you can leverage the agency's services to (positively) impact our bottom line.

Our Answer: 
Firstly, our services will increase your brand awareness. Studies prove that when a customer has a tangible experience with a brand, they form an emotional connection or response to that brand. This leads to an increase in brand trust which often leads to more sales. While brand trust may seem elusive, we track these metrics using real data based on your stated objectives. Whether those objectives are followers gained or products/services sold, we work with the client to reach these goals.  

Question: What are the benefits of working with your agency?
You want to know what the return is on your investment.

How we respond: 
By working with our agency you will:

  • Gain valuable hours back in your day. We give you the freedom to focus on the things that matter to you. Like, spending time working on your business.

  • Raise brand awareness. We like to consider ourselves brand improvers, working to bridge the gap between you and your community of customers.

  • Make more money. Experiential Marketing strategies are proven to make more money for your brand, whether it's products sold or services rendered.

Now that we have shared the questions you should ask when considering a creative or marketing agency, we hope you feel equipped to move forward confidently. In addition, we hope that you learned more about the Chroma brand and how we help you experience your brand in full color.